...finding the balance
Brain Health Option:
We are opening a NEW OPTION for brain health. How far can we go medicine-free?
So many patients over the years, have said to me “I don’t want any more medications” or “I always have side effects so the medicine is not worth it for me”
At the same, I have been reading and going to doctor lectures on how nutrition can change brain health. I have made these food changes for myself and my own family. Now I am opening up a new option for my patients == I am going to combine my knowledge of neurology with my knowledge of brain/spine/nerve nutrition - treating inflammatory chronic back, arms, leg pain, treating headaches and neck pain, treating attention deficit, treating grown children of parents with dementia who are concerned they will inherit dementia and want to prevent dementia.
We are signing up patients for ONE-to-ONE healthy brain intensive to avoid medications = 60 minutes for my patients who want to maximize nutrition, exercising, stress reduction techniques, and better methods of getting restful sleep.
So many patients say, “I already exercise” but when I examine their neck and scalp muscle spasms, I see the exercises are NOT the right ones to help their neck pain or headaches. I am going to show you how to check if the exercising you are doing is actually the best way to reduce your headaches, or neck/back pain or if this exercise is NOT the right type. So often, when I refer a patient to physical therapy they come back and say that this was a waste of money and did not reduce their pain. I have seen patients gain the most help from exercise when I have the extra time to spend with them to go over each exercise and find the ones that actually make a lasting difference.
So many patients say “I already eat a healthy diet” but when I have the time to go over more details of what they ate the whole week, I see that this diet will NOT help them reduce inflammation, which is at the root cause of their headaches, or fibromyalgia pain and worsens arthritis pain.
Given a whole hour one-to- one I can show you the research that taught me how to look at the root causes of pain, not just throw one medicine after another at a patient’s pain and hope for the best.
So many patients say, “my child is not getting good grades, and behavior is terrible at school and at home”. Or “my child cannot focus on homework” .We all know how important it is for our children to get through school with the best grades possible to get a job in a very competitive world. We can read about diet changes for our troubled kids with behavior troubles or trouble with school === more preservative free diets, gluten free diets, dairy free diet, vegan diet, more fish oil, St. John’s wort. We also know most kids will not stay on a healthy diet. Let’s go over the research pros vs. cons on using better nutrition for kids. Is it worth it to change the diet for a kid diagnosed with attention deficit disorder? I plan to search for nutritional changes that your child will accept and actually like the food.
For those patients who have parents with dementia, or patients who report they are forgetting things they always remembered in the past === > I plan to review the methods of preventing memory problems. We will go over the research studies showing what is at the root of memory loss and what we can do to best prevent dementia.
When I ask patients how they relax best after a tough day, they have a lot of answers = watch TV, swim, run, meditate, yoga, ride horses. But these strategies often fall short, and the patient is just as stressed at the end of their relaxation as they were before. I will explain in clear terms why stress reduction is so important to your health and what works for you. Often what works for one patient is entirely different than what is right for the next patient. I usually show patients how to check if stress reduction strategy #1 is best for them or #2 and how to judge if this works or not for this specific patient.
In order to be able to spend one full hour on your neurological health, a service which is not covered by insurance, I charge $400.00 for first hour, your initial visit, and $100.00 for follow up.